Rainbow Battery phone

How to Make a Rainbow Battery on a Phone (IOS & Android)

Given that the battery indicator is arguably one of the Status Bar’s most important icons, why not give it a bright, quirky splash of color?

This guide will show you how to customize your Android’s battery indicator, get a rainbow battery for your iPhone, and change the color of your iPhone’s battery.

Is It Possible to Color the Battery Indicator Icon on iPhone?

Without going in circles, the response is a categorical no. Unless you have a jailbroken iPhone, you can’t really customize the color of your battery indicator icon.

When an iPhone is jailbroken, Apple and App Store-imposed software restrictions are lifted and privileges can be increased. Installing an app that allows you to change and set various colors for various battery percentages is possible if you have a jailbroken iPhone.

On a regular iPhone, however, the color of the battery indicator cannot be customized. Only Apple’s set of color variations for battery indicators—green for charging, yellow for power saving mode, red for low battery, and white normally—are available.

How to Get a Rainbow Battery

Step 1: Open the home page at cydiafree.com.

Step 2: Install Cydia and launch the application. Use the search to find “Colorful Battery” to install it; it has many custom iPhone tricks.

Step 3: Receive a jailbreak with the free custom option “Colorful Battery.” Go to settings, scroll down, and select “Colorful Battery.” Then click “Themes” below and select “Colorful,” turning on “Enabled” first.

Step 4: Custom option “Colorful Batter” will be activated.

How to Customize Your Android’s Battery Indicator

It may be simpler than it is by default to keep track of the battery life of your Android device.

Install ChargeBar

Any device’s battery life can be difficult to monitor. It’s a good thing that Android offers a few really cool ways to keep track.

We learned about ChargeBar for Android from CNET contributor Nicole Cozma. Your battery level is well-illustrated by ChargeBar. It’s available for free in the Google Play Store, just like a lot of the fantastic Android utilities we’ve covered.

Toggle the switch at the top to turn the app on after downloading and installing it.

Set Up the App

When ChargeBar is activated, you should notice a thin blue line at the top of your screen. Your battery’s current level is shown on this line. It’s a great way to always be reminded of the state of your battery. Yes, your device has a tiny battery icon that serves the same purpose, but it’s difficult to tell exactly how much battery life is still in the battery due to the icon’s size, which can quickly drop significantly.

Make sure to check the box to start on boot if you want the ChargeBar to be available at all times, even after your device reboots. In addition, you can select whether you want the bar to appear in full-screen apps, be hidden on your lock screen, have an icon shortcut to the app in the notification tray, and — last but not least — animate the bar while your device is charging. Depending on your preferences, check or uncheck the pertinent boxes, then scroll down for more choices.

Adjust the ChargeBar

You can change the color by tapping on the color swatch if the blue bar isn’t your preferred shade.

By altering the height setting, you can also make the ChargeBar wider or thicker. Remember that the bar can potentially conceal more information the thicker it is. To help you visualize how it would appear on your device, the next slide has a bar that is higher than usual.

ChargeBar at 5

As you can see, the bar’s height has been raised to a setting of 5, making it simpler to see. We will raise the height to 20 before going any higher.

ChargeBar at 20

When the setting is 20, you can see that the information is beginning to cover almost half of the top status bar. Once you’ve discovered your preferred setup, experiment with the color and size.


The ChargeBar’s position is also movable. The bottom of your screen or the bottom of the top status bar is both options in addition to the default location at the top of your screen.

Lockscreen Look

On my device, the bar is enabled to appear on the lock screen and is set to appear at the bottom.

It’s just one more level of customization you can add to your Android device by adding a battery indicator. You can keep a better eye on your battery’s current level by using the ChargeBar or any of the other battery indicators.

Naturally, the topic of this slide show is limited to monitoring your battery level.

How to Change the Battery Color on iPhone?

battery color

We all enjoy giving our phones a unique personality through customization. Now that iOS 14 has widgets and custom icons, this task has become much simpler. If you don’t want your iPhone to look exactly like everyone else’s, you can make it different.

However, there’s something seductive about wanting to alter every little aspect and feature of your phone. And that icon for the battery indicator sure does have a nice design. It already has so many different hues that you ponder whether you could alter it to have a completely different hue. You may have even seen it on another person’s iPhone, if not both. Therefore, you are eager to board. But before you jump in, there are some things you need to understand about this customization trick.

You must first be aware of the colors that you can choose for your battery icon. Depending on how your iPhone’s display looks, the battery icon appears in either white or black. The red color is when you’re iPhone charge is dangerously low, the green when your iPhone is charging, and the yellow is when you enable the Low Power Mode. By adjusting some settings on your iPhone, you can also get blue and purple battery icons.

Get a White Or Black iPhone Battery Icon

A battery icon color-changing feature for the iPhone would have been cool. Unfortunately, we lack such features, so we must make do with what we do have. The battery icon on your iPhone will either be white or black in color. The color will stay the same unless the charge on your iPhone is dangerously low.

White or black depends on how the display on your iPhone looks, as we’ve already mentioned. Accordingly, your display’s battery would be black when it is in the Light mode and white when it is in the Dark mode. Therefore, you can choose between a white or black battery icon on your iPhone by changing the display.

Here’s how to change the battery color on your iPhone to black or white:

  • Launch the “Settings” app
  • Scroll down and tap on “Display & Brightness”
  • After that, choose whether you want the “Light” or the “Dark” mode.

Change the Battery Color on iPhone to Red and Green

This section explains when and why the battery indicator on your iPhone changes from green to red.

When does the red battery icon appear on my iPhone?

When your iPhone is low on power, the battery icon turns red. A red battery indicator is not a good sign, and we ought to make an effort to keep away from it. Use up more than 90% of your charge if you want to get a red battery color. However, you’ll get a Low Battery warning on your iPhone, and you won’t be able to do much of anything.

Why is the iPhone battery icon green?

The battery icon on your iPhone also comes in green. When your iPhone is charging, this color appears. In fact, when your battery is charging, you receive both a lightning symbol and a green color icon on your battery icon. As your iPhone’s charging icon, you can think of the color green as the battery.

Why is My iPhone Battery Icon White, Not Green, When Charging?

When you connect your charger to your iPhone and the color is still white rather than green, there is a problem with your charger. As a result, you should immediately check your iPhone charger for any issues or try using a different charger.

Why is My iPhone Battery Indicator Color Yellow?

Yellow is the color you get when you enable the Low Power Mode on your iPhone. Operating everything in a power-saving mode is typically done to prolong the life of your iPhone’s battery. The yellow battery color on an iPhone now has meaning, thanks to what you just learned.

Here’s how to get your iPhone battery icon yellow color:

  • Open the “Settings” app
  • Next, scroll down and tap on “Battery”
  • After that, turn on the toggle switch for “Low Power Mode”

Why is My iPhone Battery Indicator Yellow Instead of Green When Charging?

The battery indicator should display a green color with a lightning symbol when you connect your iPhone charger to your phone. Different results, though, might occur in certain situations. So, if your iPhone is on Low Power Mode and then you connect your iPhone to a charger, then your battery indicator will remain yellow instead of green.

How to Change the Battery Color on iPhone to Blue Or Purple?

You can make some adjustments to your iPhone to get a blue or purple battery icon, which is an interesting feature. The Classic Invert feature on your iPhone reverses all the colors on your display. It primarily serves to quickly change from Light to Dark mode or vice versa.

Here’s how to change the battery color on iPhone to blue:

  • Turn on the “Low Power Mode” from Settings > Battery
  • Next, tap on “Accessibility” in your Settings
  • Then tap on “Display & Text Size”
  • After that, turn on the toggle switch for “Classic Invert”

Here’s how to change the battery color on iPhone to purple:

  • Connect your iPhone to your charger
  • Next, launch the Settings app
  • Then scroll down and tap on “Accessibility”
  • After that, tap on “Display & Text Size”
  • Finally, turn on the toggle switch for “Classic Invert”

How to Display Battery Percentage on iPhone?

You can see the battery level on the status bar if you have an iPhone 8 or an older model. To turn on the toggle switch for battery percentage, open the Settings app, pick Battery, and then turn it on.

Installing the battery widget on the home screen is the only way to show the battery percentage on newer iPhone models. On your iPhone, hold down the empty area of the home screen with your finger until all the icons begin to wiggle. This will add the battery widget. Then tap on the “Plus +” icon located at the top-left of the screen. Next, locate the battery widget and tap on “Add Widget” to add it to your iPhone home screen.

In addition, you can view the battery percentage on your iPhone by swiping down on the right side of your home screen to open the Control Center.


We’ve attempted to address how to modify the battery color on iPhone and Android in this guide. how to make a rainbow battery for an iPhone, as well.

Therefore, you must jailbreak your iPhone in order to customize the battery indicator icon. But really, why would you want to go through with it for something so small? The color battery indicator is good and useful as is. But by all means, go ahead if you still want to do it.

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