How to Dispose of Orbeez Environmentally Friendly

How to Dispose of Orbeez Environmentally Friendly

For a lot of us, growing up was enjoyable. Having lots of Orbeez (also known as water beads) at our disposal added to the fun. We were ecstatic to see the tiny balls swell when we submerged them in water. If you never played with Orbeez before, then it probably means you did not grow up in this part of the world.

How to Dispose of Orbeez Environmentally Friendly

What Are Orbeez?

It’s critical to comprehend what orbeez are before we can respond to the question, “Are orbeez biodegradable?” Orbeez are miniature, vivid gel beads made of a superabsorbent polymer. Water-absorbing chains of molecules known as “superabsorbent polymers” can hold 300 times as much liquid as they weigh in liquid!

Acrylic acid, sodium hydroxide, and color pigment are Orbeez’s primary ingredients. Orbeez are a ton of fun to play with because they can swell up to 150 times their original diameter thanks to the sodium polyacrylate polymers that are used in them.

However, Orbeez was not created as a toy for children. Orbeez was initially used to regulate the moisture in soil, diapers, and feminine hygiene products. Orbeez are useful for this because they can soak up extra liquids and, if left to dry, slowly leach them out. Moreover, they will gradually vanish.

Orbeez were first widely used in agriculture in the 1960s, but they weren’t made available for purchase as a toy until the 2000s. Since then, they have consistently ranked high on children’s Christmas wish lists and have made an appearance in numerous YouTube challenge videos where entire rooms or pools are filled with Orbeez.

Are Orbeez (Water Beads) Biodegradable?

Orbeez, also known as water beads, are designed to biodegrade quickly. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve probably noticed that Orbeez has excellent water absorption capabilities. They are also biodegradable.

This explains why they are still widely used by farmers and gardeners to maintain soil moisture around their plants. The fact that it biodegrades readily gives them the confidence to use it to beautify their garden flowers.

So there you have it, if you were wondering if Orbeez is biodegradable, you now know the answer. Yes, it does, but that shouldn’t give you the okay to strew discarded Orbeez all over the place.

Can Orbeez (Water Beads) Biodegrade Quickly?

Orbeez, also known as water beads, is designed to biodegrade quickly. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve probably noticed that Orbeez is a fantastic water absorbent. Additionally, they are biodegradable.

This informs why many farmers and gardeners still use them to keep the soil moisture around their plant wet. The fact that it biodegrades readily gives them the confidence to use it to beautify their garden flowers.

So there you have it; if you were wondering whether Orbeez degrades naturally, you now know the answer. It does, but that shouldn’t give you the okay to strew discarded Orbeez all over the place.

How to Dispose of Orbeez

1. Put Them in Your Garden Plants

One secure method of getting rid of Orbeez that you won’t be using again is to do this. The flower pots you have can receive them. Alternately, you could incorporate them into the soil to keep it moist. By doing this, you can cut down on the amount of time you need to spend watering your plants.

This is because the Orbeez acts as a reservoir for your plant and absorbs extra water. Hence, when the plant needs water, it releases the water it has absorbed.

You don’t have to worry about them harming your plants; they would eventually decompose. The benefit is that they will contribute to the nutrient-richness of your soil, promoting a quicker and more robust rate of plant growth.

2. Put Them in the Garbage Bin

Yes, you can also put the Orbeez in the trash bin outside. But if you’re going to do it, you need to do it well. And this is how to do it properly.

First, bag your Orbeez. To do this, get a plastic bag or a paper bag. But note that if you are using a paper bag, ensure that you have shrieked the water in the Orbeez. By doing this, you can avoid the bag getting wet and tearing when you put the Orbeez inside of it.

You must seal the bag, or tie it if it’s a plastic one, after you’ve placed your Orbeez inside. After that, you can throw away the sealed bag in the outdoor trash can. To stop the Orbeez from ejecting from the trash can, this procedure is necessary.

It could hurt bystanders if it escapes. Your pets can even mistake them for food and eat them.

Are Orbeez Ok for Kids and Pets?

Orbeez advertises that its product is suitable for both children and pets, and for the most part, this is true. Orbeez can cause dangerous internal blockages, which may require surgery, in both children and animals, according to numerous reports.

A one-year-old girl who was presented to the doctor with stomach pain and vomiting is one such instance. A blockage in the girl’s small intestine was discovered after an X-ray; a subsequent ultrasound revealed that it was a small, fluid-filled foreign body. According to her mother, the young girl might have ingested an Orbeez ball while using it to hold her flowers.

The Orbeez ball expanded by more than 400% from its original size of 4mm to 32mm after the obstruction was located. The girl required surgery and had to spend a subsequent six days in the hospital recovering.

Pets have been involved in numerous cases that are comparable. One story that was produced by a regional news outlet described the case of a chihuahua who fell ill after swallowing an Orbeez ball.

The dog had to be rushed to the vet for emergency surgery after frequent vomiting and lifelessness. The veterinarian was certain that if the problem hadn’t been resolved, the dog would have died.

Orbeez’s use on YouTube is one external threat they present to children’s safety. Orbeez have appeared in numerous challenge videos on YouTube that show irresponsible behavior, including images of YouTubers consuming a lot of Orbeez. These depictions could persuade children to eat Orbeez themselves despite the warnings.

Therefore, it is debatable whether Orbeez qualifies as kid- and pet-friendly. Whilst Orbeez poses no consistent danger to kids and pets, important guidelines should be in place, like not leaving them on the floor or low surfaces, not allowing children under 5 to play with them and stressing that they are not fit for consumption.

How to Dispose of Orbeez Environmentally Friendly


In our childhood, Orbeez has provided a lot of fun. The fact that they are biodegradable and reusable despite the fact that they typically take a very long time to do so makes up for the fact that they cannot be recycled or composted. Even if you just place them outside to help keep your garden well-hydrated, they can take up to 10 years to biodegrade completely. Putting them in the landfill usually means they’ll take much longer.

Their suitability for families with children and animals is under debate. They are generally safe to eat, though it is not advised; however, if swallowed whole, they can result in blockages in the small intestine that require surgery. However, there is no reason why kids (and adults) can’t have a ton of fun with Orbeez in a safe and sustainable way if the necessary precautions are taken.


Can I Flush Orbeez Before Disposing of Them?

It’s crucial for you to understand that you shouldn’t flush them. Many people think that since the Orbeez look very small, they can flush them down without worrying. They’re wrong, though, because Orbeez expands significantly when submerged in water. This implies that if you flush them down the toilet, they would build up and grow. With time, they expand well enough to clog your drainage pipes. This clog will stop the free passage of water and make things uncomfortable for you and your family. You don’t want to experience this. Because of this, it is best to avoid flushing your Orbeez down the toilet or through the kitchen drainage.

What Will Happen If I Unintentionally Pour Them Out?

Don’t Pour Them Out. When we are angry with something, we may throw it on the ground as a means of disposal. Aside from this being a bad environmental habit, it is also not safe. You must exercise even greater caution when working with Orbeez because it is frequently moist. They do this by absorbing water. They are also rounded and very slippery. They might hurt a bystander if they are spilled on the ground and are run over. Of course, when this happens, there is a chance for injury or fracture to happen. Even your kids’ bicycles could slide over them. This is not being safe at all. So, always exercise caution when getting rid of your Orbeez.

How Do You Get Rid of Orbeez in a Drain?

The liquid will be drawn out with salt, and substances like bleach or vinegar and bicarbonate of soda will dissolve them through a chemical reaction (this is a generally effective sink cleaner that you can use whenever). As it dissolves one layer at a time, you might need to be patient and keep applying these.

Do Orbeez Dissolve Inside?

It makes sense to wonder if water beads are safe for the environment given their original purpose and the fact that we use them to mix with soil or grow plants in. Orbeez, in particular, and water beads in general, are completely biodegradable.

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