clean dishwasher

How to Clean Frigidaire Dishwasher: Detailed Guide

It should come as no surprise that Fridigidaire dishwashers can get extremely dirty over time, just like other dishwasher brands. The interior of a dishwasher can easily accumulate germs and stains due to factors like soap residue, food and grease build-up, and hard water. If the filter is not cleaned, it may also release unpleasant odors. In this post, we’ll go over the investigation we did to determine the most effective method for cleaning Frigidaire dishwashers.

Here we’ve outlined the steps to clean your Frigidaire dishwasher:

  1. Take away the dish racks.
  2. Clear the filter and drain.
  3. Check the spray arm.
  4. Clean the glass trap.
  5. Walls inside should be cleaned.
  6. Start the self-cleaning mode.
  7. Clean the latch and exterior door.

It’s fairly easy to clean a Fridgidaire dishwasher. You might need to take a few extra steps to get your dishwasher spotless if you haven’t cleaned it in a while or if you use it frequently. The specifics of how to clean a Frigidaire dishwasher are described in the following paragraphs. Additionally, we’ll discuss how to keep your dishwasher draining smoothly and how to remove mildew, odors, and stains.

How to Clean a Frigidaire Dishwasher

Things you’ll need:

  • Cleaning sponge
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Cleaning gloves
  • Cream of tarter
  • 1 microfiber cloth
  • Vinegar
  • Stain/rust remover
  • Baking soda

1. Remove the Dish Racks

Be sure to slide the upper and lower dish racks to the front of the dishwasher and gently lift them up and out of the appliance before cleaning it. You can more easily access the dishwasher’s interior by removing them, allowing you to clean every wall. Use your damp dishcloth to quickly clean the racks.

2. Clean the Drain & Filter

Clean the interior of the door next with a damp cloth. To clean the dishwasher, you can use a commercial all-purpose cleaner or make your own. When cleaning the door, make sure to wipe down the detergent dispenser to get rid of any caked-on grime that might be there. The drain’s interior and the area around it should both be inspected. If you come across any foreign objects, take them out and throw them away.

Press down, then lift the filter out and clean it. You might want to spray the fine filter by running warm water over it. Make sure you’re wearing thick rubber gloves because you don’t want to cut yourself on any glass or sharp plastic pieces it might contain.

How to Clean a Frigidaire Dishwasher Filter

Step 1

Access Frigidaire’s customer support website by navigating to and clicking on “Customer Support” in the top margin. Once there, you can retrieve the user manual for your specific Frigidaire model by clicking “Guides/Manuals” under “Customer Help,” entering your dishwasher’s model number in the search field that appears and clicking “Search.” Frigidaire’s customer support website will provide you with a PDF file of that dishwasher’s user manual. To remove and clean your dishwasher filter, follow the detailed instructions in this manual. The rest of these instructions will focus on how to clean a filter from a Frigidaire 18″ Dishwasher built-in, model FMB330RGC.

Step 2

Open the dishwasher, then take out the bottom rack. The filter assembly can be removed by reaching inside the dishwasher and pulling up from the bottom. The filter assembly on the Frigidaire 18″ A main filter that is connected to a cup that is placed inside a fine filter that is cylindrical are the three components of a built-in dishwasher. By pulling up on the main filter’s sides, this can be taken off.

Step 3

The filter assembly should be brought to the sink. Distinguish the components and give each a warm water rinse. Rinse the dish long enough to get all of the food debris out. If necessary, remove any remaining food particles with a fine-bristled brush since water won’t completely remove them.

Step 4

Set the cup back into the fine filter and place the main filter on top to reassemble it. Put the filter assembly back in the dishwasher’s base. By lightly pressing down on the filter assembly’s top, you can check to see if it has been properly replaced.

Here is the video from Youtube to show you how to clean dishwasher filter.

3. Check the Spray Arm

Next, check the spray arms to see if any of the holes are dirty or obviously clogged; if so, you can simply toss them in the sink and let them soak for a while, or you can clean them with a toothbrush.

4. Clean the Glass Trap

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5. Clean the Interior Walls

Wipe down the dishwasher’s interior walls with a damp microfiber cloth. To get around the components inside the dishwasher, you might find it easier to use a cloth than a sponge. Any mild all-purpose cleaner will do to clean the dishwasher’s interior. Don’t forget to clean the dishwasher’s bottom, particularly where the spray arms are located. Use a toothbrush or plastic dish scrubber to help remove any food particles that have become stuck to the walls and are difficult to remove.

6. Run the Self-Clean Setting

Once the dishwasher has been thoroughly cleaned and any mildew or stains have been removed (see expert stain removal tips below!), place the dishwasher on the “self-clean” setting. You can run the dishwasher again to rinse out the interior parts if you’ve already used the setting to clean the dishwasher with vinegar or bleach.

7. Wipe Down the Exterior Door/Latch

Following interior cleaning, use your microfiber cloth to wipe down the exterior door, making sure to include the handle. To get rid of any stubborn stains caused by crusted food particles, use a plastic scrubber. After that, rinse your cloth in warm water and re-clean the door with it to get rid of the cleaning agent. To avoid streaks, dry-clean the door once more.

Cleaning Tips:

  • You can fill a cup with 1/2 cup of bleach and put it on the top rack of your dishwasher if you have a problem with excessive mold buildup. Make sure there aren’t any stainless steel internal parts in your dishwasher before you do this, as they might get damaged during the cleaning and require an expensive repair.
  • Prior to beginning each cleaning cycle, always clean the filters and drains. They might clog the drain line and result in other problems if they contain any substantial food particles or chunks of grime.
  • Your dishwasher’s longevity may suffer if you frequently overfill it or put too much detergent in the dispenser. A dishwasher may eventually break down as a result of adding too much detergent, which can also clog the drain and water lines.
  • Dishes won’t be thoroughly cleaned and the dishwasher may leak if you jam too many dishes in there for one run.
  • Always use a mild detergent or cleaning solution on your Frigidaire dishwasher when cleaning it on a regular basis; avoid harsher products (like acidic or abrasive cleaners) that could harm the dishwasher’s interior walls and components.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners. Frigidaire products shouldn’t be cleaned with harsh chemical cleaners. Damage may result from them. When cleaning your fridge, stick to gentle cleaners like dish detergent or non-chemical cleaners like vinegar.

Before starting a clean cycle, make sure all debris and food have been removed. Before beginning a cleaning cycle, many people forget to sweep the bottom of the dishwasher. Make sure you don’t overlook this crucial action. Long-lasting gunk could clog the drain and result in serious issues if it stays on the bottom of the dishwasher.

Glass should be disposed of safely. Be careful handling any broken glass when emptying the glass trap. Glass should be wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in a cardboard box. Apply tape to the box’s closure and seal. Write something like “Danger” on the box to indicate it contains sharp materials before throwing it in the trash.

Odor, Mildew, & Stain Removal

Get Rid of Mold & Mildew

Mold and mildew can grow on dishwashers quite frequently, especially if they are used frequently. There is a quick solution to this problem. The most popular one is to add a cup of non-chlorine bleach to the dishwasher dispenser (or pour 1/2 cup into a plastic cup and place it on the top rack) and let the machine run through its full cycle. However, this method should only be used if your dishwasher does not have stainless steel components.

Get Rid of Bad Odors

Baking Soda

Wipe it down with a homemade paste made of baking soda and water if your dishwasher has a bad smell. This is the quickest way to help solve the issue. Incorporate two to four tablespoons of baking soda and half a gallon of warm water into your kitchen sink. After that, remove any removable parts from the dishwasher and submerge them for 5 to 10 minutes in water. Then dry them off, rinse them with cold water, and put them back in the dishwasher.

White Vinegar

If your dishwasher is emitting a foul odor, you can also clean it with distilled white vinegar. By mixing one cup of vinegar with two cups of water, you can create a vinegar solution. Spray the solution onto your microfiber cloth by placing it in a water bottle. Although the vinegar smell will go away in about 10 minutes, it is important to run the dishwasher on the rinse cycle after wiping it down.

Get Rid of Rust Stains

Some dishwashers are also known to get rust stains inside due to their water exposure. They can be eliminated in a few different ways. You can either use a commercial arrest removal product like OxiClean Maxforce or you can make your own rust-removal paste by combining one teaspoon of baking soda with five to six drops of hydrogen peroxide and one teaspoon of cream of tartar. Then, use a microfiber cloth (or soft rag) to apply the paste to the stain.

Get Rid of Hard Water Stains

Your dishwasher might at some point have developed lime or water deposits if you live in an area where the water is mineral-rich. These can be removed by applying the previously mentioned baking soda paste to the stains and wiping them down. Another option is to run the dishwasher on its full cycle while placing a cup of lemon juice on the top rack.

Wrapping Up: Clean Your Frigidaire Dishwasher Monthly

Rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher and maintaining a clean drain are two of the best ways to maintain a dishwasher that is free of messes. A thorough cleaning every month will also help to keep it free of debris and food that could cause odors.

Where is the Filter in My Frigidaire Dishwasher?

Actually, the dishwashers made by Frigidaire have two filters—a fine filter and a coarse filter. The fine filter is intended to catch bigger pieces of trash, including peels, bones, and broken glass. Smaller particles like lint, seeds, and pieces of paper are captured by the coarse filter. By rotating them in the opposite direction and lifting them out, the filters can be taken out.


Does Frigidaire Dishwasher Have a Self-Clean Setting?

Yes, the majority of the most recent Frigidaire models have a self-cleaning dishwasher setting to facilitate routine cleanings.

How Often Should You Clean Your Dishwasher?

Your dishwasher’s frequency of use will determine this. Cleaning your dishwasher once a month, especially if you have a big family or use it frequently, can help keep food splatters and smudges from setting and becoming permanent.

Why Won’t My Frigidaire Dishwasher Drain?

Your Frigidaire dishwasher may not drain for a number of reasons. Here are the most common ones:

  • Drain basket is obstructed.
  • drain impeller that has been damaged or broken.
  • It has a clogged drain hose.
  • Its drain pump is malfunctioning.
  • a defective motor and/or pump assembly.
  • The belt on the water pump is broken.
  • The check valve is damaged.
  • Error with the motor timer.
  • The drain valve has a blockage.

To fix any drainage problems with a Frigidaire dishwasher, it’s best to check all the parts that are connected to the drain. Any faulty parts may need to be removed and eventually replaced in order to accomplish this. You might need to contact an appliance repair professional or the company that installed the dishwasher (if you bought the dishwasher yourself) if you can’t figure out what’s wrong with the drain after taking it apart. For advice on how to troubleshoot drainage problems, it’s also beneficial to look at the instruction manual.

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