
How to Delete Groupme Messages and Pictures(2022 Ultimate Guide)

Have you ever unintentionally sent offensive content to a GroupMe contact? Want to know how to delete Groupme messages and pictures? Keep reading to get the answer.

In particular, if our friends don’t frequently check their email inboxes, using the GroupMe app to text our friends is a good idea. It’s simple to start a conversation using GroupMe with a group of friends; the challenging part is getting rid of those conversations. This tutorial will show you how to delete or hide GroupMe messages.

What is GroupMe Used For

The GroupMe app is a cross-platform instant messaging tool that keeps users in touch. Google first made it available on Google Play for Android devices in 2013 after it was developed. Since then, it has been made available for Windows Phone and iOS devices. Users of the free instant messaging app Groupme can text, call, or video call one another while still in the same group.

Within the same group, users of the cross-platform instant messaging app GroupMe can text, call, or video call each other.

Why We May Need to Delete Our Groupme Messages and Photos

We may discover that we unintentionally sent some offensive text messages, pictures, or other content to our Group, or we may simply decide that the messages we’ve been sending should disappear because we don’t want anyone to ever see them again. We want them to vanish the same way that Snapchat’s snaps and messages do.

Here are a few genuine explanations from some genuine individuals outlining some circumstances in which they would prefer to delete their messages and pictures.

“We should have the ability to fully delete pictures, so this is absurd. Unintentionally, a picture was added. This image is about a birth announcement and was presented to a church group in good faith despite the sensitive nature of the picture. Well, until the mother told us, we were unaware that the baby was lying on a specific area of her body. It was an honest mistake, but since we can’t take it down and men can see the image, she is now extremely uncomfortable. I don’t understand. Any other app or web-based service allows for deleting”

” I sent a photo to my group; this photo is private and should only be seen by my group; now that they have seen it, I want to delete it to stop other people from picking up their phones and viewing the photo.”
These are just a few of the things that people are saying. What is being said regarding Groupme? Here is their official reply to my query “Messages and photos on GroupMe cannot be deleted, which is unfortunate. Similar to regular texting, GroupMe functions.

There is no way to edit or remove it after you hit Send. The message can be temporarily hidden from your own device by logging out and back in; however, it will continue to appear on the devices of everyone else. Additionally, you can delete the chat history, which will permanently delete the messages from your phone, but this will only do so for the current batch of messages. Although we are aware that there is a demand for photo deletion, at this time, that is not our main focus. Your suggestions for how to improve your GroupMe experience are always welcome. I appreciate your comments.”

Simply put, this means that any messages and images sent through GroupMe are one-way only; once sent, they cannot be retrieved or deleted. Instead, they are permanently at the whim of the GroupMe app used by your contacts.
So, how do I get rid of the messages and photos I had on GroupMe? How can I totally delete my conversations with other people rather than just hide them?

How to Delete a GroupMe Message

Have you ever unintentionally sent offensive content to a GroupMe contact? Unfortunately, once you’ve sent a message or a photo, you cannot delete them.

Like regular SMS messages, GroupMe messages function similarly. Nothing can be done to stop them once they’re in the open.

Clear Chat History

By clearing your chat history, you have the option of deleting your conversation (along with all of your messages). However, only your device is impacted by this action. The messages and the entire chat history will still be available to the other participants in the conversation. Before making a choice, keep in mind that if you delete the chat history from your phone, tablet, or PC, you won’t be able to get it back.

To erase the chat history, do the following:

  1. Open the GroupMe app and find the desired chat.
  2. Click on the chat avatar, and from the menu, choose Settings.
  3. Click Clear Chat History and then confirm your choice by clicking on Clear again in the box that pops up.

End a Group Chat

You cannot delete messages in group chats either. There is something you can do, though, if you started the conversation. All chat messages and uploaded photos will be deleted when the group is terminated.

How to end a group chat is provided here.

  1. Launch GroupMe on your device.
  2. After selecting its avatar, click on the desired group.
  3. Choose Settings, and at the bottom, click on End Group.

The data and messages associated with the group cannot be recovered once it has been terminated.

Considering that the only thing you can do is hide the message from the device you’re texting from, this might, at the very least, temporarily fix the problem for you.

Hide Messages in GroupMe on Android

A GroupMe message on your Android phone may not be able to be deleted, but it can be hidden.

Here’s how.

  1. Open GroupMe on your phone and find the chat that contains the messages you wish to hide.
  2. The message you want to hide should be pressed and held.
  3. When a menu appears, choose Hide.

That’s it. And if you ever change your mind about hiding the message, you can easily unhide this way:

  1. A chat partner’s profile photo can be tapped. Select the group avatar if the chat is a group one.
  2. Tap on Settings and then choose the Unhide Hidden Messages option.

Hide Messages in GroupMe on IOS

Similar instructions apply if you have an iOS device. On your iPad, it might look a little different. On these devices, you’ll see the Settings button as soon as you open a group chat. The additional steps resemble those for Android phones.

You should be aware that this method cannot be used to hide or reveal messages if you are logging into your GroupMe account via a web browser. For Android phones, the process is the same; you’ll need to download the app and conceal the messages from there.

You can log out and back in again to reveal any messages you’ve hidden on your phone or tablet, whether it’s an iOS or Android device. You’ll see all the messages once you reopen the chat.

Hide Messages in GroupMe on a PC

To hide your messages on a computer, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open GroupMe (make sure it’s the app, not the web version).
  2. To view the desired message, select the chat window.
  3. Right-click the message and choose Hide Message from the menu.

If you want to unhide the message, do this:

  1. Click on the group profile photo or the photo of the person you’re texting.
  2. Click on Settings and select the Unhide Hidden Messages option.

How to Clear Groupme Account

The PC, Android, iPad, iPhone, and MAC operating systems are all compatible with this guide.

1. Open
2. Click on your profile picture in the top left corner of the screen.
3. Now, Click on Delete GroupMe Account.
4. Then Click on Continue.
5. Your password must now be entered.
6. Click on Continue.

Use GroupMe Safely

Like any messaging group, GroupMe has the potential to give you a false sense of security and give you the impression that you can express yourself however you want. The majority of the time, this is acceptable and won’t cause any problems, but you should always keep in mind that you are in a semi-public area and may be held responsible for your actions. This is especially crucial if your business utilizes GroupMe.

A couple of tips for using GroupMe safely:

Always Remember Where You Are

Keeping this in mind, even if you delete your own GroupMe messages, the group message or other party in a DM will still have access to them. Don’t send anything that your mother wouldn’t want to see or that might have an adverse effect on your work or social life. Try to be careful before pressing send because it is very easy to lose track of where you are when using a phone.

Don’t Get Kicked Or Muted

GroupMe is a social platform, and we are all aware that certain people behave differently on apps. Never criticize others; refrain from being that person. Spare the trolls your food. Avoid argumentative exchanges and try to keep in mind who else is watching. The same can be said about being a jerk, oversharing, and generally saying stupid or pointless things.

Although GroupMe is a great chat program, it has some drawbacks. It adheres to the same guidelines as other chat applications, including the group dynamic. Always keep that in mind when using it, and you ought to have a positive, enjoyable experience.

GroupMe Support Numbers and Contact Email

Email and phone numbers for GroupMe support are provided. In the UK, Groupme is the most popular social networking platform. containing more than 200 million users.

Contact Team Groupme if you need to. Use the GroupMe support phone number or email address to get in touch with the support team.

Unfortunately, there is no official number to call or text Groumpme, however, you can use the email below

[email protected]


Delete Messages in GroupMe for Everyone

As previously stated, you cannot delete your messages from GroupMe individual or group chats. It’s never been possible to choose this option. The best you can do is only keep a copy of the texts you’ve sent on your device. Others in the conversation would still be able to see them.

GroupMe Messages Not Showing Up

If your GroupMe messages are not showing up, all you need to do is the following

Clear your cache, and free your storage to at least 1GB

Check your mobile or wifi network

Update your GroupMe application

How to Stop GroupMe from Sending Texts?

To stop GroupMe from sending a text you have to opt-out by sending Text #STOP to any text from GroupMe. With this, all communication with your GroupMe groups will end, and any future communication from new groups will be prohibited.

Why Won’t Groupme Won’t Let Me Sign In?

A recent app update or a check of your internet connectivity.

Can You Recover a Deleted GroupMe Group?



What’s sent in a GroupMe message is sent. GroupMe messages cannot be deleted, so pause before clicking the Send button. It may be possible to delete your chat history or hide the messages, but those options are not equivalent. The only way to end a chat completely (but only one you’ve started) is to end a group, but doing so also deletes the entire conversation.

Whatever you decide to do, it might be useful to be aware of the limitations of this app’s message deletion feature before you even begin using it.

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